Rebecca Bedford - Dispute Resolution Group and Women of WLG Forum Member

Published on Mar 23, 2023

Member Voices


Rebecca Bedford
Partner, MinterEllison (Australia)
Member, WLG Dispute Resolution Group and Women of WLG (WOW) Forum

1. What book or podcast specific to women and becoming leaders would you recommend?

I have a night stand filled with half- read books including Malcolm Gladwell’s "Outliers” and Brene Brown’s "Dare to Lead” and "Unlocking Us”. They all have important messages and lessons but at the end of day, in leadership (as in life) we need to be authentic. I’ve seen people struggle to mirror or model their style of leadership on others when the fit just isn’t quite right for them.

2. What advice do you have for younger women lawyers in creating success for themselves?

This is such a great question. My advice is this: 1. Find your own, unique voice and use it. Fine tune it along the way. 2. Volunteer, however uncomfortable- if it’s a speaking gig, say yes before you can say no. Being challenged and stretched is often where the magic happens. Related to this, be flexible and open to new ideas and opportunities (even if you don’t think you're "qualified”). 3. Draw on, and learn from, others (women and men) and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable in that process. Support others (people have long memories). 4. When the self doubt kicks in (it will at times), turn to music and dance! I recommend Katy Perry’s "Roar” or Sophie Ellis Bextor "Murder on the Dancefloor”- jeez they got me through some tricky times. They still do.

3. Who was a person influential to helping you become the leader you are today?

It is difficult to identify one person. There are so many people who were and remain influential- including a number of my fellow partners.

4. What does gender equity mean to you?

My 6-year-old twins (Ari and Raph) presented me with a card on International Women's Day. They performed a dance (in full dress up) which had me roaring with laughter. Raph then insisted that I record her while she explained what pay inequality was and why it was wrong (something she had learned that day in school). I was both proud and sad in equal measure. To me, gender equity means that us and our kids don’t have moments like these (however cute they may be); that it’s a non- issue. Imagine such a world!