Roxanne Anderson - AZB & Partners

Published on Apr 6, 2023

Member Voices


Roxanne Anderson
Senior Partner at AZB & Partners (India)
First-time summit Delegate

1. Briefly describe your practice.

I am a part of the Firm’s Corporate M&A, Private Equity and Venture Capital Practice. In India, we tend to be a bit less specialized and most of us cover more than one practice area. Within M&A and Private Equity, most of my work is Private Equity focused, and usually acting for the PE sponsors. In addition to Corporate M&A and Private Equity, I also do a bit of work on Funds and Structured Financed. I work across sectors, but have a particular focus on financial services, media, entertainment and sports and consumer technology.

2. You've been involved with WLG through meetings on Venture Capital. Tell us something valuable you've gained from this experience?

It has been wonderful interacting with other members. It is always tremendously helpful to learn about developments and market trends in other jurisdictions. Where so much of the work we do extends across borders and we frequently engage with clients and firms in other jurisdictions and work on matters that involve a number of different geographies, it is great to be able to benefit from the vast amount of experience that the forum has, through its members across the world. I hope to continue to have the benefit of the insight that members of the group have to offer on this practice in their jurisdictions.

3. You recently attended your first WLG summit. Tell me about your experience.

I had a wonderful time at my first summit hosted by Al Tamimi & Company in Dubai. It was such a special experience to meet so many people from all over the world, all of whom were incredibly warm and very welcoming. What stood out for me was how everyone, without exception, always had something great to say about the WLG network and how unique it is, as well as all the very many friendships that have clearly developed over the years. I am very much looking forward to continuing to engage with the people I’ve met and to participating in more of the WLG events.

4. If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be and why?

This is a tough one, but it would definitely need to be one of my all time favourite authors – Agatha Christie. Her work is truly remarkable and continues to amaze readers a hundred years after she started writing. I would love the opportunity to discuss her inspiration for her stories and her characters and the wonderful worlds she created.