Sayenko Kharenko Contributes to Initiative on Lifting Moratoria on Enforcement Against State-Owned Enterprises
Sayenko Kharenko has contributed to the initiative on lifting the Moratoria on enforcement against state-owned enterprises in Ukraine. The firm’s team, including Olexander Droug and Alina Danyleiko (International Arbitration practice), Anton Korobeynikov and Oleksander Olshansky(Banking and Finance practice), Olena Sukmanova and Oleksiy Koltok (Dispute Resolution practice), actively participated in this important reform aimed at unlocking investment and capital flow in Ukraine.
The initiative led by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, together with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), represents an important step towards improving Ukraine’s investment climate and strengthening the country’s position in international capital markets.
Sayenko Kharenko participated in the roundtable discussion "Lifting Moratoria on Enforcement of Property and Bankruptcy of State-Owned Enterprises in Ukraine,” organised by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in cooperation with the EBRD.
The EBRD’s technical cooperation project "Ukraine – Assistance on Moratoria on Property Enforcement and Bankruptcy of State-Owned Enterprises” was presented during the roundtable. The project aims to support the Ukrainian government in analysing economic consequences, establishing principles and policies for lifting moratoria, and developing a phased roadmap for their gradual elimination.
The expert team included representatives from KPMG Ukraine, Sayenko Kharenko, and international experts Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal and Kerry Trigg, with support from EU Project Pravo-Justice, the Ukrainian State Property Fund, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.