Susan Castillo – Partner at Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados

Published on Mar 31, 2022


Susan Castillo
Partner at Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados (Peru)
Panelist on "Conquering Gender Equality in Law” webinar

1) Tell us a bit about your practice.

My practice is focused mainly on local and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, and financing transactions.

2) What made you decide to become a lawyer?

I always wanted to be a lawyer to help people in need. At first, I thought I could achieve this by becoming a litigator. However, while at law school and learning about the different areas of law, I realized that this career allows lawyers to help others and society in different ways, such as helping companies to grow, which in turn generates more job opportunities, and working on financings for new infrastructure projects, among others.

3) What has been one positive experience you've had with WLG?

I have had great experiences teaming up with other member firms (such as Taylor Wessing or Mason Hayes & Curran). Also, as part of the International Exchange Program, we have had the pleasure of receiving great lawyers from other member firms, with whom we have even further strengthened our relationships. This year, we organized a webinar about gender equality with other member firms that are very engaged in promoting diversity and inclusion practices.

4) What book or podcast would you recommend to others?

I recently discovered the podcast Financial Feminist from Tori Dunlap. In these podcasts, she helps people (and in particular women) to feel financially confident and to make investments, and she offers advice on how to reduce the gender pay gap.