The Innovation Laboratory of Mendoza (Argentina) is participating in the Generative AI Pilot Program

Published on Sep 4, 2024

The Supreme Court of Mendoza, through its Innovation Laboratory (JusMendoza.Lab), will be part of the Pilot Program for Strategic and Responsible Use of Generative AI in Argentine Justice, which brings together more than 20 judicial institutions in the country to evaluate the use of generative artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT and Gemini in the judiciary.

Key points of this initiative:

· Evaluate the efficiency of AI in judicial tasks.

· Scale up and amplify the results obtained in previous tests.

· Raise awareness and educate members of the judiciary on the responsible and strategic use of generative AI..

The program will unfold over a 4-month duration, segmented into distinct stages aimed at thorough evaluation, implementation, and dissemination of findings related to Generative AI in judicial tasks:

1. July - Stage 1: This initial phase focuses on laying the groundwork. Methodological foundations will be established, encompassing the development of measurement methodologies, selection criteria for tasks and subtasks, and the formulation of analytical methods to assess outcomes. This stage is pivotal in ensuring a robust framework for subsequent phases.

2. August - Stage 2: Spanning 4 weeks, this phase marks the commencement of practical application. Participants involved in the pilot test will engage in the application of Generative AI tools in tasks directly pertinent to judicial functions. Following methodologies prescribed by UBA-IALAB and JUFEJUS, the emphasis lies on conducting trials to validate and expand upon preliminary findings regarding the impact of Generative AI in judicial contexts.

3. September - Stage 3: Transitioning into systematic analysis, this stage involves the meticulous organization and synthesis of results accumulated from the preceding phases. Data gathered during the pilot trials will be evaluated comprehensively to identify trends, strengths, and areas for refinement in the utilization of Generative AI within judicial workflows.

4. Final Stage - Documentation and Dissemination: The concluding phase centers on documentation and dissemination of outcomes. Insights gleaned from the program will be compiled into comprehensive reports, detailing methodologies, findings, and practical implications. Efforts will also be directed towards disseminating these findings to stakeholders, including judiciary members, policymakers, and the broader legal community, fostering awareness and informed discourse on the strategic implementation of Generative AI in legal contexts.

Previous Initiatives

Before this recent breakthrough, Argentina has witnessed notable advancements in legal technology. The Supreme Court of Justice in Buenos Aires Province led efforts to formalize automation in provincial and municipal enforcement proceedings, streamlining the execution of legal decisions across jurisdictions. Additionally, initiatives such as the application of Artificial Intelligence in Family Courts for the issuance of resolutions and the implementation of AI by the Judiciary of La Pampa underscored the country's proactive stance in embracing technology to enhance judicial processes. These antecedents laid a robust foundation, showcasing Argentina's readiness to embrace technological innovations in its legal framework.

As we continue to innovate and refine these technologies, the potential for positive impact on the legal landscape is immense, promising a future where justice is not only accessible but also effectively administered through the power of technology


Mendoza Innovation Laboratory participates in the Generative AI Pilot Program