The Ministry of Health in Costa Rica Issues a Resolution Prohibiting the Use Marketing, and Sale of Vaporizers and Vaporizer Supplies

Published on May 29, 2024

Our Costa Rican attorneys, experts in trade and regulatory law, shared with us this article about the resolution MS-DM-RC-2381-2024, issued by the Ministry of Health on May 13 of this year. This resolution establishes a ban on the importation, marketing, and sale of vaporizers and supplies for these devices that use artificial nicotine or liquids containing cannabinoids.

This preventive measure issued by the Ministry of Health entered into force upon publication and will remain in force until said institution issues a technical regulation regulating the use, marketing, and sale of these products.

This resolution is surprising since in 2022, our country approved and published Law 10113, LAW ON CANNABIS FOR MEDICINAL AND THERAPEUTIC USE AND HEMP FOR FOOD AND INDUSTRIAL USE, which contemplates and regulates the importation of finished products containing cannabis for medicinal and therapeutic use and hemp for food and industrial use.

It is essential to highlight that the technical regulation required by this resolution for using these instruments is in addition to what is already regulated by the law and its regulation. Consequently, it is not possible to import or sell vaporizers containing cannabis, hemp, or nicotine in Costa Rica until the Ministry of Health issues the technical regulations for these types of products. This preventive measure applies only to vaporizers and should not affect other products containing these substances.

Please contact us if you have any doubts or questions regarding the applications and effects arising from this resolution. Our team of experts and professionals in the field will be pleased to assist you.

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