WLG | impact '24: Bruchou & Funes de Rioja's "Plastic-Free June and Plastic with Purpose" Project

Published on Jun 1, 2024

As part of the WLG Impact 2024 initiative, Bruchou & Funes de Rioja will carry out the "Plastic-Free June and Plastic with Purpose" project, in which all its members will be called upon to fill bottles with hard-to-recycle and single-use plastic waste generated daily and collect them. These plastics include: bags, pasta packages, rice, polenta, cookies, snacks, candy wrappers, lollipop sticks, coffee stirrers, milk sachets, etc. The bottles will be handed over to Regenerar organization for their reuse through the manufacturing of plastic lumber, which is destined for the construction of furniture that will be donated to schools, municipal parks, and other institutions for the community's enjoyment. By recovering these plastics, we will be doing our part in helping them from ending up in ecosystems or landfills, where they can take up to 500 years to degrade. We will also help combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, create jobs by providing materials to the industry, and offer a solution for waste that currently has no recycling alternatives in our country