WLG | impact '24: Guyer & Regules Provides Probono Services

Published on Jul 8, 2024

As part of World Environment Day and this year's UN slogan, we carried out a joint activity with AMBA, an NGO to which we provide probono services.
Organización Civil Amba is a non-profit organisation that since 2016 develops several projects to protect biodiversity in the province of Rocha. They work in the preservation of biodiversity, environmental recovery and ecotourism as ways to promote sustainable territorial development. Currently they are further working in alliance with Butler Conservation Inc. to develop a new biodiversity program in certain protected Uruguayan islands in the Uruguay River. Our legal team has provided pro bono assistance in environmental law matters, corporate law, fiscal advisory, negotiation of collaboration agreements and land acquisition matters. This project is still ongoing, and it is expected to become part of a binational protection plan for the River, with Argentina. Focusing on this year’s UN slogan "Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.”, we invited Maximiliano Costa (Executive Director) and Rodrigo Patrón (Carapé Project Director) to our main offices They both shared how was AMBA born and how much were they both personally driven by a profound desire to reshape reality. Having witnessed a litany of environmental disasters, not only locally, but also globally, they felt the urgent call to act. They put special emphasis on the impact the two projects had on the local community. For instance, the creation of AMBA created employment opportunities in the area, it fostered tourism and contributed to new generations growing with a heightened awareness of environmental issues, by working closely with local schools
This activity managed to create a powerful sense of joint purpose between Amba and us. Members of our different teams could hear for the first time and firsthand, what we had been participating in as collaborators, and learned about specific local flora and fauna. Amba has now redefined its purpose as being” to restore the emotional bond of human beings with nature and regenerate ecosystems”.