WLG | impact '24: Sayenko Kharenko Organized Charitable Initiatives

Published on May 8, 2024

Sayenko Kharenko, in cooperation with the Breathe Charity Fund, organized charitable initiatives which aimed to improve the quality of life for underprivileged communities and promote social welfare.

The Christmas Miracle of Hope charity event included three initiatives, namely:

Psychological support for victims of war

Our defenders face the horrors of war daily. Our responsibility is to show them gratitude by offering them a new life once they return from the front. The DoLadu Mental Health Lab initiative aims to provide comprehensive psychological rehabilitation to defenders, veterans, and their families.

Assistance for lonely elderly people

Many older people who are lonely struggle to take care of themselves. We can help them by providing the necessary resources and giving them hope for a better life despite the challenges they face. With the "Starenki” Charitable Fund, we can provide food packages, hygiene products, and warm clothes to older people living in challenging circumstances.

Girl Power Ukraine educational initiative

One of the Blagomay Charity Fund’s initiatives is the Girl Power Ukraine project, a unique educational initiative for girls aged 13 to 18 from orphanages, boarding schools, and IDP centres, from large, low-income, and dysfunctional families who are among the most vulnerable and unprotected in society. Implementing this project is an opportunity to help these girls and open up new horizons.

This year’s charity initiative brought together people from around the world: The UK, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland, the USA, and Ukraine. Donation amounts ranged from UAH 100 to contributions exceeding UAH 1 million. These contributions are equally valuable in achieving the goal, as they will contribute to implementing important projects.

Sayenko Kharenko and Breathe Charity Fund’s Christmas Miracle of Hope initiative raised UAH 3,231,475 to support three socially essential projects.