WLG | impact '24: Soulier Avocats Partners Up with FAF APRIDEV

Published on Aug 20, 2024

As part of the World Law Group’s fourth annual network-wide CRS initiative, Soulier Avocats has partnered up with the French association FAF APRIDEV Rhône-Alpes(FAF APRIDEV) a not-for-profit association created and run by and for visually impaired, blind or partially sighted people.

FAF APRIDEV’s mission is to promote the social, professional, economic, and cultural integration of visually impaired people in Lyon and the Rhône-Alpes region. To achieve these objectives, it offers a wide range of services and activities run by qualified professionals and volunteers who may, or may not, be visually impaired.

As such, Soulier Avocats will take part in a series of actions throughout the 12 months to come, including outings, visits, cultural and/or sporting activities that require the presence of sighted people to help with organization and supervision, and to guide members of FAF APRIDEV.

It will also participate in initiatives aimed at promoting the professional integration of visually impaired people, including in the legal industry.

More info on specific actions will come over the coming months.

This partnership with FAF APRIDEV reflects Soulier Avocats’ long-term commitment to the blind and visually impaired community.