Women of WLG: Alexandra Schluck-Amend, CMS Germany - Partner & EMEA Co-chair of WLG's Restructuring Group

Published on Mar 28, 2022


Partner at CMS Germany

What advice would you give to a woman considering going to law school?

Never stop learning and have a lot of endurance. It is important that you do what you want with pleasure and passion.

What advice would you give to a young female associate looking to make partner/advance her career?

I would give her the advice to choose both male and female role models and try to fit their way of life with their own preferences and character in mind. Nobody is identical. It is important always to do what suits you and serves your own purpose.

As a woman, what do you think are the keys to success?

One part of success can certainly be achieved by working hard. I also think, however, that it is important to have personal goals. Reaching these goals is a part of success as well. Being human, to be able to respond empathically to the other person, especially when the person is accompanied - as in our environment - in crises.

How do you balance your career and personal life?

Whether at work or in private, with family, friends, children: always be in the here and now with everything. With this, I gain energy from the job for personal challenges and from the family for my job!

How can women support other women in their organizations?

I consider networking very important.

How does gender diversity within a law firm benefit its culture, as well as its ability to service clients?

Gender diversity is a universal topic. It plays an important role within a law firm as well when serving clients. In a professional field, it should be both natural and professional to identify with diversity.

What do you hope changes for the next generation of women lawyers in the practice of law?

I hope that flexible working hours and working part-time will become more frequent and natural, especially for women, but of course also for men. I see that there has been a large change in the past years already.

Do you have any networking advice for women lawyers?

I consider it important to be sincere and direct with each other.