Women of WLG: Amalia Berg, Goodmans - Co-chair of WLG's IP & IT Group

Published on Mar 9, 2022


Partner and Head of Intellectual Property Group, Goodmans

What advice would you give to a woman considering going to law school?

I would tell her what I told my youngest daughter who is now in her first year law school. Work hard, stay focused, set goals and make them happen. Believe that you can do it and you will and be sure to ask questions or for help when you need it.

What female has inspired you and why?

There are many but one that stands out is Golda Meir, the first and only female Prime Minister of Israel, who lead with courage, determination and incredible strength of character. One of her quotes that I find particularly inspirational is: "Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.”

ow do you balance your career and personal life?

My standard, somewhat tongue-in-cheek answer, is "some days better than others". As a partner in a law firm and mother of four, I came to realize early on that the balance cannot be measured on a daily basis: there will always be competing priorities, and some days one facet of your life will have to give way to the other. It is what you aim for and achieve over time that matters. Try to be as efficient as you can and be kind to yourself along the way.

How can women support other women in their organizations?

I am a strong believer in the power of friendship, mentorship and sponsorship. Be there to listen to each other, to share your experiences (good and bad), to encourage one another and celebrate each other's achievements.