Women of WLG: Diana Rivera, Cuatrecasas - Partner and Director on WLG's Board of Directors

Published on Mar 30, 2022


Partner at Cuatrecasas and Director on WLG's Board of Directors

How can women support other women in their organizations?

Female partners can mentor young female lawyers to lead them in their professional growth. Mentors must be role models for young female lawyers who share their experiences with them. There are moments when young associates may feel like throwing in the towel, and a good mentor can provide younger lawyers with specific day-to-day tips that may help them tremendously to balance their career and personal life. It is also essential that young associates have someone to talk to that has already faced the same problems (and succeeded) when they are tempted to give up. That is why women's support for other women in their organizations is crucial.

How does gender diversity within a law firm benefit its culture and its ability to service clients?

Diversity leads to more innovative thinking. Clients are also diverse in gender, age, culture, etc. They expect such diversity in their lawyers. A diverse team is a better problem solver. Many studies are showing that diversity results in improvements in productivity.

A diverse team and culture are also powerful tools for a law firm to retain talent and be more competitive in hiring new associates (two of the key challenges in any law firm). Law firms invest a lot in recruiting and training associates, so not retaining them implies a significant loss. Today, top candidates of all genders seek diverse work environments because they know that they will facilitate the balance between their careers and personal lives and, consequently, have a more fulfilling professional experience.