Women of WLG: Nanci Ship, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP - WLG Young Lawyers Mentor

Published on Mar 24, 2022


Chief Legal Talent & Culture Officer at Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP

How do you balance your career and personal life?

For me, balance looks different on any given day, week, month, or even time of the year. It is a function of the choices you make daily. I choose to be in a senior leadership role in a preeminent law firm, which means, at times, I am choosing to prioritize my time. At the same time, I am also grateful for the flexibility I have to make those choices. I can go to my children's school for their activities and be at their swim meets and take classes that interest me, but I balance that with times when I need to prioritize my commitment to my colleagues and my organization.

How can women support other women in their organizations?

I think sponsoring is an essential tool for fostering growth and driving change. While a mentor primarily gives advice, a sponsor provides opportunities for others to shine. I was fortunate to find sponsors when starting my legal career who gave me a voice and let me be front and center. As you advance in your career, pay it forward by looking for women you can sponsor. The next generation of women lawyers also has something we didn't have to the same extent: each other. While there is still room for improvement, greater representation of female lawyers today gives the next generation strength in numbers and the opportunity to use that force to foster real and lasting change to the benefit of everyone.

How has your legal education and experience served you in other aspects of your life that bring you joy?

My legal education has opened all sorts of doors for me. I sit on community boards for causes that are important to me, such as a women's shelter in Montréal and the parent advisory board for my children's daycare. My education and experience have introduced me to a diverse network of connections and contacts who have gone on to become not only lawyers but judges, politicians, academics, and entrepreneurs across all corners of the world. I wouldn't trade that for anything. The diversity among my network is also a testament to the many pathways to success outside of the traditional partner track. Careers today are non-linear, and there are many ways to do meaningful work with a law degree, both professionally and personally.