Women of WLG: Suganthi Singam, Shearn Delamore & Co. - Co-chair of WLG Human Resources Group

Published on Mar 9, 2022


Partner, Shearn Delamore & Co.

Why did you decide to become a lawyer?

Believe it or not it was on account of a series I used to watch in my childhood "The Paper Chase" which cultivated the interest to read law.

What advice would you give to a young female associate looking to make partner/advance her career?

Hold firmly to your principles, do not compromise on integrity, speak your mind firmly but politely when making your expectations known and heard. Decide firstly if where you are presently at, you are happy, motivated, valued and appreciated. If you've answered yes then this is the firm you will want to continue with. If not it is time to move on. A firm which holds the beliefs and principles that you advocate will recognise you for your worth as a professional and person that you are, patience is key for the rest to fall into place.

How do you balance your career and personal life?

This is only possible if you have a firm that supports and provides you with that ability to do so. I have been blessed with having an environment and leaders within our firm that recognise the importance of that need to be able to maintain a balance. If I did not have the guidance, mentoring and teamwork from colleagues, friends and partners in my early years of practice where the firm gives you that freedom and flexibility to manage your time whilst attending to your work commitments and family it would not have been possible. Shearn is very much equated to an extended family and the values that we hold within the firm extend to our personal life.