Mexico: Scope of the exceptions to the suspension of terms and deadlines before Agencies, Decentralized Bodies, City Halls and Public Administration entities of Mexico City

Published on Mar 23, 2020

Following the previous publication made on March 20, 2020 in the Official Gazette of Mexico City, the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing (the «SEDUVI») of Mexico City on March 23rd, 2020 published an Agreement defining the scope of the suspension of the terms and deadlines before the agencies, decentralized bodies, city halls and Public Administration entities of Mexico City, in regard to urban development.

According to the Agreement, the procedures that are exempted from the suspension of terms and deadlines are the following:

a) Technical report for interventions indicated for construction, modifications, expansions, installations, repairs, registration of executed works and/or demolition or revalidation in properties or real estate of the urban cultural heritage and/or located in the area of heritage conservation.

b) Single certificate of zoning for digital land use.

c) Report of urban impact, modification and extension.

d) Approval of compliance of the sustainability criteria in order to apply the general norm of planning 26.

e) Incorporation of a state area.

f) Application of the transfer system of potential urban development (receiving property).

g) Application of the transfer system of potential urban development (sending property).

h) Proof of acquired rights and redensification.

The delivery of procedures requested before March 20, 2020, will be made in accordance with the deadline provided for in the regulations of each procedure and the interested parties may pick them up personally at the Citizen Service Area of SEDUVI from 9:30 to 12:00 hours.

For further information in connection with this matter, please contact the partner in charge of your matters or one of the attorneys mentioned as follows:

Mexico City Office

Mr. Vicente Grau A. (Partner)

Mr. Juan Carlos Machorro G. (Partner)

Mr. Roberto Fernández del Valle M. (Partner)

Tel.:+52 55 5279.5400

Monterrey Office

Mr. César Cruz A. (Partner)

Tel.:+52 81 8133.6000

Querétaro Office

Mr. José Ramón Ayala A. (Partner)

Tel.:+52 442 290.0290