Sorainen Dedicates Annual Pro Bono Program to WLG | impact Initiative

Published on Jul 20, 2022

Sorainen (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) dedicated its annual pro bono program for innovative projects—Shared Mission—to the environmental theme of WLG | impact.

The firm selected 15 projects working on a wide range of environmental projects such as sustainable farming, maximizing solar energy in buildings to ensure lower energy costs, eliminating food waste, resolving ecological issues through environmental advocacy, and developing circular economy solutions. The firm expects the pro bono advice to this year’s participants will have a great impact on the environmental agenda across the region.

On June 1, Sorainen also launched an internal summer sport challenge motivating employees to move more during the summer, as well as to think of various ways to make their trips to work more sustainable. As a part of this challenge the firm also celebrated World Bicycle Day (June 3rd) encouraging employees to cycle to work instead of using their habitual transport mode.

Finally, to raise an awareness about environmental topic and celebrate the World Environment Day (June 5th) Sorainen encouraged employees to join the Do One Thing campaign and commit to one small action towards preserving the environment.