Brazil: TozziniFreire Advogados Celebrates Diversity and Inclusion with the Annual Week of Inclusion

Published on Jul 6, 2023

From the 26th to the 30th of June, 2023, the 5th edition of TozziniFreire’s Inclusion Week was held, one of our program TFInclusão initiatives. Throughout it, several activities that involved our five affinity groups - race, gender, people with disabilities, refugees, and LGBTI+ - took place.

In total, the event had the participation of 30 partners and NGOs. We engaged all our units and had more than 300 people participating in lectures, roundtables, trying typical foods trucks, and taking home handicrafts made in presential workshops.

We would like to highlight some of the 2023 institutions and activities: Adere; A Casa Museum, Artesania Warao Project (with handicrafts produced by the indigenous Venezuelan population of the Warao ethnic group); Congolese food with Evodie; sculpture workshop with Rogerio Ratão; Libras’ class (Brazilian Sign Language); roundtable with Casa da Criança Paralítica; discussion about how technology can help the environment with ThinkFuture, our innovation program, the first from a full-service Brazilian firms; typical Brazilian brigadeiro from Downlicia; and a lecture with the Federal Deputy Érika Hilton, the first black and trans woman elected in Brazil, bringing diversity, plurality, and respect for dehumanized groups in our country to the debate. In the latter, more than 200 people attended in person at the Borges Lagoa office – São Paulo - and remotely at the Campinas, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, and Brasília offices.

To learn more about the firm initiatives, please visit: and

For inquiries and information:

Natália Zulzke / Fábio Nascimento Almeida / Júlia Santos