Vaish Associates, posted November 17, 2020 |
India: Virtual Open House - An Interactive Session on Customs & GST
Join Shammi Kapoor, Arnab Roy, Sandeep Gupta and Kritika Kapoor on November 20 for an interactive session on Customs & GST in India.
Minterellison, posted November 11, 2020 |
Australia & New Zealand: MinterEllison Wins Contract to Advise UK Government on Free Trade Negotiations
The UK government has appointed MinterEllison (Australia) and MinterEllisonRuddWatts (New Zealand) in partnership with a local firm to advise on the negotiations of the UK-Australia and UK-New Zealand free trade agreements.
Faegre Drinker, posted November 9, 2020 |
United States: EU Presses Ahead With Tariffs Up to USD 4 Billion on U.S. Goods and Services
The trans-Atlantic dispute over government subsidies to The Boeing Company and Airbus SE continues to have ripple effects on the relationship between the U.S. and the EU, with the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body authorizing the EU to levy nearly USD 4 Billion in retaliatory tariffs on U.S.-imported goods.
Taylor Wessing, posted october 21, 2020 |
Germany: Closer to Shorter Supply Chains?
Radical events such as the current COVID-19 pandemic create involuntary disruption capable of triggering a transformational period within your manufacturing company. Specifically, they can motivate you to rethink and change your existing lean management methodologies like Just-in-Time (JiT) or Kanba.
Bahas Gramatidis & Partners, posted october 21, 2020 |
Webinar - Doing Business in Greece & Cyprus
We are pleased to invite you to a webinar on "Doing Business in Greece & Cyprus" on December 1st, 2020, 12:00 (EST). Current hot Greek & Cypriot legal & tax issues will be raised and discussed. The webinar is open.
CMS Russia, Posted September 20, 2020 |
Russia: Signs Protocol with Cyprus Amending Double Taxation Treaty
On September 8, 2020, Russian and Cypriot authorities signed a Protocol amending the applicable double taxation treaty (DTT).
Taylor Wessing, Posted September 20, 2020 |
Germany: New Obstacles for Foreign Investments in the EU?
The European Commission published its White Paper on ensuring fair conditions of competition with regard to subsidies from foreign countries (COM(2020) 253 final) in June of this year. On the one hand, the EU and its Member States are granting significant amounts of State aid to support individual companies in order to stabilize the economy and accelerate research on the coronavirus in the current crisis. On the other hand, there is a fear of distortion of competition by third country subsidies.