Malaysia: WLG | impact '22 Tree Planting Activity

Published on Nov 11, 2022

As part of our ESG commitment, Shearn Delamore & Co.’s WSF Club organized a tree planting activity at the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) on 12 November 2022.

In our own ways, we hope to contribute to greater awareness on the importance of forest restoration and preservation of biodiversity as well as bringing about positive impact on mental health and wellbeing of our lawyers and staff members through outdoor activities. We learnt about one of the largest forest reserve in Malaysia and got connected back to mother earth. It was an enriching experience.

We hope to see our trees grow into many generations to come. This event was also the Firm’s pledge to World Law Group (WLG)’s Impact 2022, WLG’s 2nd annual network wide Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative.