Ukraine: Accepts Certification of Gambling Equipment by Foreign Laboratories

Published on Jan 18, 2024

On 16 January 2024, the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (the “Commission“) adopted Decision No. 8, amending the “List of certification entities authorised to certify and inspect gambling equipment”.

The Commission expanded the list of entities certifying gambling equipment in Ukraine. The list includes several European companies from the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom and Slovenia. The list of Ukrainian certification entities has stayed the same.

As a result, gambling operators will be able to use gambling equipment that has been certified by certain foreign companies. Such foreign certification will be recognised in Ukraine and will not require additional accreditation or recertification following Ukrainian requirements. This change significantly simplifies the procedure for putting such equipment into operation.

The decision was based on multilateral agreements on mutual recognition of accreditation concluded by the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine with European regulatory authorities.

The Commission notes that it will continue to work on bringing Ukrainian gambling regulatory requirements into line with European standards to bring Ukraine closer to the European Union framework. The Commission also emphasises that it is open to considering proposals to extend the list of certification bodies.

Likely, the ongoing European integration of Ukraine and the strengthening of cooperation in the field of conformity assessment will minimise the need for dual certification of gambling equipment by Ukrainian gambling operators in the future.