Week One Recap & Highlights

Published on Oct 30, 2020


World Law Group

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2020 Fall eConference

One Week Down,
Two to Go!      



That wraps up our first week of the Fall eConference—thank you for joining us! Below we have a recap of the sessions, including key takeaways and links to recordings for the sessions you missed. 

Join us next week for Challenges for Infrastructure Projects in the Current Environment; Business in the Americas: A Review of the Geopolitical Landscape; How to Pursue and Develop BD Opportunities & Strategies in the Virtual Environment; and the ever popular Speed Networking Sessions! — please coordinate with others in your firm to limit the number of attendees to four participants per speed networking session. Full schedule details are on the right panel of this email.
Remember, your firm colleagues are welcome to attend these sessions as well. Feel free to share this recap and agenda with them.

Opening Plenary | WLG Business Update

Overall member engagement in network activities is up as WLG has increased its virtual offerings in response to the pandemic. Prior to this econference, we've had over 850+ individual from our member firms participate this year. WLG has focused significant resources on website content/traffic, search engine optimization (SEO), social media and other communications and platforms (JD Supra) to promote the network and its individual member firms both within and outside of the membership. For example, our social media posts are up 77% this year. WLG President Christian Traichel thanked outgoing Regional Directors- Americas: Jorge León-Orantes(Santamarina y Steta), Asia: Andrew Ang (WongPartnership), EMEA: John Hammond (CMS Germany). He welcomed incoming Regional Directors-Americas: Maria Elisa Verri (TozziniFreire), Asia: Pamela Kung (Shearn Delamore), EMEA: Gaël Chuffart (CMS Belgium). View Recording

Protecting Trade Secrets When Facing Lawsuits or Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures

In many jurisdictions, there is no automatic protection for trade secrets. Companies should have contractual provisions with third-party partners to protect trade secrets. Trade secrets are trade secrets regardless of whether a claim is brought on by a whistleblower or not. Making a list of all company trade secrets, categorizing and limiting access to them, and developing procedures to act rapidly if you get notice of disclosure of a trade secret are among the steps you can take to improve protection. View Recording

Lessons from Covid-19: Through the Lens of Sustainability and ESG

ESG factors are non-financial performance indicators including sustainable, ethical and corporate governance issues. Some studies suggest that companies that follow ESG outperform companies who don't.  The last 12-18 months have seen an acceleration in the associated financial risk of climate change on companies. There is forthcoming litigation in a number of Asian jurisdictions that will challenge duties and disclosure in climate related financial risks. Corporate lawyers should consider whether they view climate change through a financial, in addition to an environmental, risk lens and what specialist expertise should be involved to protect the clients‘ interests. View Recording

Key Contact Partners Lounge

Dare we say it felt like old times? KCPs enjoyed catching up with one another discussing work from home updates or election speculation. A few were even were able to make arrangements to see each other in person. Be sure to add next week's lounge to your calendar

Privacy and Data Protection Issues for Employees in the COVID-19 Environment

While employers in many jurisdictions can require temperature taking, employers should avoid discriminatory treatment in doing so and should also delete the information as soon as it becomes irrelevant. Companies should attempt to understand specific reasons for refusal before applying disciplinary measures for employees who refuse to resume in-person work. Employers must find a balance between employee privacy rights, employer rights and public safety when considering with whom and how to share results of positive COVID-19 tests. Contract-tracing apps are permitted in some jurisdictions, but with the caveat that the app is only used during working hours, and employers need consent from employees after working hours. View Recording

The Great Migration: Engaging Young Lawyers in a Work-from-Home Model

Focus on the culture, consistent communications, regular meetings that include “water cooler talk” and create normal office habits to engage young lawyers. Continuing office traditions like Friday socials virtually help to maintain a sense of inclusion and normalcy. Technology has come to the forefront and we’re not going backward. Work-from-home policies will become more relaxed, so making sure people have what they need to work effectively from home is key. Remaining present, proactive and available to in-house counsel remains important for maintaining and building your client relationships. It’s easier than ever to participate in client meetings, which presents great learning opportunities for young lawyers.

Bonus: If you're looking for a good book, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business is recommended. 


View Recording

We look forward to seeing you next week. 

Ashley LeCroy
World Law Group Manager, Events & Member Programs
+1 202 904 2477


Leader Board

Firms with the highest participation this week:

1. SyCipLaw
2. TozziniFreire
3. Taylor Wessing
4. WongPartnership
5. Shearn Delamore & Co.


nov 2 | 11:00 am eSt

Virtual Speed Networking

nov 3 | 8:00 am eSt

Challenges for Infrastructure Projects in the Current Environment

nov 3 | 9:30 am eSt

Virtual Speed Networking

nov 4 | 11:30 am eSt

Business in the Americas: A Review of the Geopolitical Landscape

nov 4 | 7:30 pm EST

KCP Lounge (KCP's Only)
Add to Calendar 

nov 5 | 7:30 am eSt

Virtual Speed Networking

nov 5 | 9:00 am eSt

How to Pursue and Develop BD Opportunities & Strategies in the Virtual Environment

nov 5 | 8:00 pm eSt

Virtual Speed Networking


nov 9 | 9:30 am eSt

Law Firm Management Today: Dealing with Today's Challenges and Positioning the Firm for the Future

nov 10 | 7:00 am eSt

Brexit: Navigating a New Relationship

nov 10 | 8:30 am eSt

M&A Strategies for the Acquisition of Insolvent/Financially Distressed Targets

nov 11 | 8:00 am EST

KCP Lounge (KCP's Only)
Add to Calendar 

NOV 11 | 9:30 AM EST

Venture Capital: Global State of the Market

NOV 12 | 8:00 AM EST

What Happens Next? Election and Transition Amidst Crises - Global Implications for 2021

Full event details and session information can be found on the Main Event Page.

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The members of World Law Group are independent and autonomous firms and are not affiliated for the joint practice of law. Each member firm is solely responsible for its work product and staff and provides professional services to its respective clients on an individual basis.