WLG Antitrust eBulletin: Foreword from the group leaders

Published on Jul 16, 2020

We hope this WLG Antitrust eBulletin finds you safe and well in these very peculiar times. With the cancellation of the 2020 Spring Semi-Annual Conference, WLG hosted its first eConference in May 2020. One of the sessions of this eConference was an eWebinar on "Competition Enforcement and Merger Control in Portugal and Elsewhere in Times of Coronavirus". The speakers were Ricardo Oliveira, PLMJ for Portugal; Marcelo Calliari, TozziniFreire for Brazil; Samir Gandhi, AZB & Partners for India; Scott Yu, Zhong Lun for China; and Harald Kahlenberg, CMS for Germany. For those of you who were unable to attend, a recording of the meeting can be found here.

As the format of the webinar was successful, we intend to hold two or three WLG Antitrust webinars on antitrust & competition law and merger control issues per year on the basis of the following principles:

  • 3-4 speakers/panelists
  • Topics of common interest such as coronavirus, follow-on damages claims, merger control, new developments in specific jurisdictions
  • Topics will be definite (future) laws (acts) and not just bills which are under discussion
  • Recording to be produced

We welcome you to volunteer for such future WLG Antitrust webinars. The next one might take place this fall. Thanks go to the first volunteer for the next WLG Antitrust webinar, M M Sharma, Vaish Associates Advocates, who will, as one of 3-4 panelists, speak on major changes proposed to the Competition Act in India by the Competition (Amendment) Bill 2020.

Best regards and stay safe.

Harald Kahlenberg / Marcelo Calliari / Scott Yu