Local Steps to Global Impact—WLG | impact '23

Published on May 31, 2023

Our firms made a difference this June for WLG | impact '23. Learn more about each project by clicking on the links below. Note some of our firms do their projects outside of June to coincide with their own CSR initiatives or seasonal needs.

*To read more, view photos, videos, and additional materials for a completed project, click on the linked title below the description.



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Alfaro Abogados (Argentina) participated in WLG | impact '23 not only in June, but year round! Learn more.


Arias (Costa Rica) hosted Eco-Thursday at the office to generate awareness and implement initiatives that support the planet. Activities included carpooling, bottle cap collection, environmental talks, green jeans days, and a bake sale.

Arnold & Porter

Arnold & Porter (Washington, DC, USA) has continued its long-standing commitment to advancing women in the legal industry through concerted efforts to develop and grow an internal pipeline of accomplished women professionals poised to take on leadership roles inside and outside the firm.

AZB & Partners

AZB & Partners (India) planted a tree for every lawyer in their firm during WLG | impact.

Bae, Kim & Lee LLC

Bae, Kim & Lee LLC (“BKL”) (South Korea) and its public interest foundation, Dongcheon Foundation, helped restore the ecological community at Yeoiduo Saetgang Ecological Park, Korea's first urban ecological park created to preserve the ecosystem.

Bahas, Gramatidis & Partners

In 2021, Bahas, Gramatidis & Partners (Greece) launched the fundraising project "Replanting the Traditional Olive Grove of Amissa. The Ancient Olympia area suffered catastrophic fires resulting in the destruction of 450,000 olive trees. Bahas, Gramatidis & Partners, with the support of donors, was able to donate 135,000 new olive trees to help the 1,770 affected farmers and their families.


Bech-Bruun (Denmark) developed their BB impact program for WLG | impact '23.

Bruchou & Funes de Rioja

Bruchou & Funes de Rioja (Argrentina) participated in a waste electrical and electronic equipment reduction project amongst all its members.


To encourage new blood donors and regular blood donations, Campbells LLP (Cayman Islands) will hold a firm-wide blood drive initiative in September to highlight the importance of regular blood donations to keep stocks and quality of donations high.

CMS Belgium

During WLG | impact '23 CMS Belgium has been granted a silver medal from Ecovadis.

Chandler MHM Limited

Representatives from Chandler MHM (Thailand) have been regularly visiting schools in Thailand to provide a broad range of support. The support has included developing the school gardens to grow vegetables which will supplement the school lunch programs.

CMS Germany

CMS Germany hosted WLG | regional Stuttgart '23 in their Green office in Suttgart. In alliance with the location, the sessions revolved around ESG.

CMS Netherlands

CMS Netherlands hosted seminars, created an ESG guide, and became Ecovadis certified for WLG | impact '23.

CMS Switzerland

CMS Switzerland (again) completed their sustainability challenge. This is part of an annual initiative designed to enhance ESG awareness across all practices starting this year.


Cuatrecasas (Spain) launched several initiatives in the last year to align its services with its clients' challenges and the objectives of the Paris Agreement, including registering its carbon footprint, designing a sustainable mobility plan, designing a circular economy plan, and committing to helping clients with their ESG strategies.

Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP

Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP's (Canada - Québec) students planned and participated in various events in support of charitable organizations.


ENSafrica's (South Africa) 2023 initiative aligned with two of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Decent Work and Economic Growth (Goal 8) and Sustainable Cities and Communities (Goal 11).

Faegre Drinker

Faegre Drinker (Illinois, U.S.A.) ran their Native Pollinator Garden Program to promote the repopulation of communities with native plants that support pollinators. During the program, those who bought native pollinator plants June 12–30 were reimbursed up to $30 by the firm.

Formosa Transnational

Formosa Transnational (Taiwan) has been working toward a sustainable workplace since 2021. For WLG | impact '23, the firm assisted the Taiwanese government in drawing up regulations for environmental sustainability and carbon neutrality, and more.

Goodmans LLP

This spring, Goodmans LLP (Ontario, Canada) participated in a litter collection initiative through the City of Toronto, “Clean Toronto Together."

Gianni & Origoni

Gianni & Origoni (Italy) participated in WLG | impact '23 through their Lets GOP initiative.

Gross Brown

Gross Brown (Paraguay) participated in a recycling and improving the quality of life program for WLG | impact '23.

Greenberg Glusker

Over the past few years, Greenberg Glusker (California - U.S.A.) has held creative and innovative campaigns to raise funds for the Food Bank. It has taken the shape of the Pie a Partner challenge, the Attorney Karaoke challenge, and Lip Sync Battles. This year, they held an in-person event in their offices—Casino Night!

Greenberg Traurig, P.A.

The firm is recognized for powering its U.S. offices with 100% renewable energy as certified by the Center for Resource Solutions Green-e® Energy program and is a member of the U.S. EPA’s Green Power Partnership Program.

Guyer & Regules

For its project, Guyer & Regules (Uruguay) partnered with Abito, an organization in charge of collecting and managing Guyer & Regules waste and further segregating to ensure proper treatment through recycling and composting.

Hergüner Bilgen Özeke

Hergüner Bilgen Üçer Attorney Partnership (Turkey) assisted in recovery efforts for regions in Turkey that were hit by an earthquake.

Herzog Fox & Neeman

Herzog Fox & Neeman (Israel) completed a two-pronged impact project this year. For Independence Day, all staff received multi-use picnic sets to encourage getting outdoors without using disposablIn June, a group of staff from all different departments of the firm attacked a weeded thorny plot to create a vegetable and spice garden for a youth club in Tel Aviv.

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP

Hunton Andrews Kurth (Texas, USA) hosted various events/projects across many of its US offices as part of WLG | impact '23.

Locke Lord LLP

Locke Lord LLP (Boston - Massachusetts) participated in several activities for WLG | impact '23 committed by committing to giving back to the communities in which they work and live through a considerable investment of time and resources in making sure their business initiatives are part of creating a better world around them.

Mason Hayes & Curran

Mason Hayes & Curran (Ireland) participated in Sandymount Beach Clean-up with Clean Coasts— a featured event that took place during MHC Green Month (May 2023) involving 30 staff members


MinterEllison (Australia) continued to participate in the The Chancery Lane Project for WLG | impact '23.


MinterEllisonRuddWatts (New Zealand) is committed to reducing their carbon footprint. They used the month of June to highlight different initiatives everyone can do to help reduce their carbon emissions.

Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Perez Abogados

Due to the high temperatures, rains and overflowing rivers caused by Cyclone Yaku and climate change, many people on the northern Peruvian coast lost their homes, animals, and crops where they were engaged in subsistence agriculture. A team of ten members of Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados (Peru) traveled to the communities of Íllimo and Jayanca, in the department of Lambayeque, and provided free legal advice to residents affected by the rains.

Pellerano Nadal

Pellerano Nadal (Dominican Republic) participated in Tapitas x Quimio.


International Coastal Cleanup Day is an annual event held in September to raise awareness of the importance of protecting the coastal environment. As part of this initiative, PLMJ (Portugal) launched a campaign in June to encourage its staff to take part in one of four beach clean-up initiatives in September in Porto, Lisbon, Faro, and Luanda.

Santamarina y Steta

Santamarina y Steta (Mexico) will host a walk or race among employees and their families across Mexico office locations.


Setterwalls (Sweden) donated extra to Vi-Agroforestry by planting ten trees every day of the month of June to support the essential work in improving the climate.

Shearn Delamore & Co.

Following last year's successful tree planting activity, Shearn Delamore & Co. (Malaysia), in partnership with the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), a leading institution in tropical forestry research in the world, continued to raise awareness of the importance of a green and sustainable environment by organizing another tree planting event in the third quarter of this year.

Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak

Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak (Poland) employees completed a physical activity challenges to collect points— the points were donated through PLN1 (pollen cryptocurrency) to plant trees.