WLG Mourns the Loss of Former President George McKann

Published on Feb 2, 2022


We were saddened to learn that George McKann passed away on January 19, 2022. Gardner Carton & Douglas of Chicago, Illinois (now Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath) joined World Law Group in 1989. George and his wife Alice began participating in WLG in 1992, at the Spring Conference in Lyon, and they jumped in with both feet. George made an indelible impact on the network through his service on the Board as a director from 1997 to 1999 and as president from 1999 to 2001. He also volunteered on two occasions to fill Board vacancies as president in 2001 and as Americas Regional Director from 2007 to 2008. In addition to leading the organization of the conference his firm hosted in Chicago in 2003, George also served as Chair of WLG’s Corporate Governance Group for many years.

When George was elected President, he believed “...we should all take great pride in what World Law Group has achieved to date, yet, at the same time, I believe we all need to remain flexible and open to changes that may need to be considered as the legal marketplace continues to evolve.” His ongoing involvement in the network helped ensure WLG stayed relevant despite the continual changes in the global legal landscape. At the conclusion of the Fall 2016 Conference in Houston, George retired from World Law Group along with a number of his contemporaries - Jose Luis de Salles Freire, Anton Maurer, and Robert Vineberg - all of whom played a pivotal role in the development of the network, and he left arm-in-arm with his ever-present wife Alice.

George’s network colleagues shared some parting thoughts on him and his legacy:

Scott Guan, WLG President, Zhong Lun Law Firm
“Death ends a life, not a relationship.” I am deeply saddened by the loss of George, who will always be remembered by all of us as a long time contributor to World Law Group, a trusted colleague and most importantly a great friend.

David Kay, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath
“George was a good friend and partner. He was passionate about the practice of law and World Law Group. He had a great sense of humor and was one of those people for whom the glass was always half full and never half empty! He will be a great loss to Faegre Drinker but his legacy will survive. The world needs more people like George McKann.”

Robert Vineberg, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg
“George was simply a beautiful person. Always a warm smile, a gentle manner, a helpful gesture. He was kind, outgoing, welcoming—a prince of a guy and a wonderful role model. We who knew him were truly privileged.”

Ian Davis, MinterEllison
“All members will share with us the sense of loss we felt on learning of George’s passing. He made a huge contribution to the growth and development of WLG and leaves a lasting legacy. The network has evolved globally because of George’s commitment and dedication. He was universally respected and led by example. He will be greatly missed.”

Tom Harrold, Miller & Martin
“George and Alice McKann have been rock solid supporters of WLG and when
George was President of WLG, he skillfully guided us through some challenging
times. The WLG family shall be eternally grateful for his (and Alice’s) contributions and
we will miss him greatly. At this difficult time, our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to
Alice, Douglas and the grandsons ”

Martika Jonk, CMS the Netherlands
“Not only did George let World Law Group use his secretary (when we had not yet hired our own), but he went beyond the call of duty when WLG was in corporate governance upheaval and needed an interim president, by volunteering for the job. He was a great person, always humble and thinking of the greater good.”

Christian Traichel, Taylor Wessing

“George was President when I joined WLG in early 2001. He‘s been instrumental in the cohesion and development of WLG. We lost a great colleague and friend.”

Beth Castro, World Law Group

“George interviewed me in Chicago back in 2002 and the firm generously provided me
with an office for a couple of years. He was always the first person to register for every
conference and would submit his referral report within five minutes of receiving the
request by email! What I will remember most is that George and Alice always looked
after me, asked about my family, and were always willing to lend a helping hand.
George was a great friend and mentor. He will be missed.”