International Trade Webinar: “Brexit: Three Years Old and Now Running Out of Steam – Or Is It?”

Published on Mar 19, 2019

In this session, coming days after the so-called meaningful vote in the UK Parliament, Bernardine Adkins of Gowling WLG gives a whistle stop tour of the current issues, options and timetable for Brexit from both a UK and an EU perspective. It will include an overview of the Withdrawal Agreement and the Political Declaration, the infamous Northern Ireland backstop and the possible model for future UK/EU trade relations. This will include a review of implications for trade with third countries, and the proposed 'rollover' of existing FTAs and trade measures.


Given by Bernadine Adkins of Gowling WLG; a whistle stop tour of the current issues, options and timetable for Brexit from both a UK and an EU perspective

Recording& Podcast