Arias Hosts Eco-Thursday for WLG | impact '23

Published on Apr 20, 2023

Arias (Costa Rica) hosted Eco-Thursday at the office to generate awareness and implement initiatives that support the planet. Activities included carpooling, bottle cap collection, environmental talks, green jeans days, and a bake sale.

  • Carpooling: Team members divided into groups based on the locations of their homes. The goal was to decrease the number of cars used to commute to the office.
  • Bottlecap Collection: Through a contest, collaborators collected and brought to the office bottle caps to be recycled. Caps were donated to the foundation "Dona Tapa," where they will be processed properly and used to create plastic wood. Afterward, they created ramps to make beaches accessible to people with disabilities.
  • Environmental Talk: Arias' Environmental Specialist spoke about pressing topics impacting the community. Through best practices, attendees learned how to take care of the planet through small actions that can be done daily.
  • Green Jeans Day: Arias will host a jeans day to generate awareness through team members wearing green to the office.

Bake Sale: The bake sale will be a fundraiser to generate funds for future initiatives.