AZB & Partners Launches Stepathlon for WLG | impact

Published on Jul 20, 2022

AZB & Partners (India) launched a Firm Wide CSR Fitness Initiative - AZB CSR Stepathlon, to support Charitable Foundations for the month of June 2022.

Employees used a Fitness App to track the steps taken every day for the month of June 2022. All firm members were encouraged to walk at least 5000 steps daily. The Firm contributed an appropriate amount to the selected three Charitable Foundations, keeping in mind the collective contribution of all AZB Members.

As part of their COVID-focused CSR campaigns, Partners and Counsel from the Delhi office supported The Akshaya Patra Foundation with a donation and supported the distribution of “Happiness Kits” to 100 children orphaned from COVID-19. These kits were specifically tailored to meet the nutritional requirements of these children and their families every month for a year. AZB & Partners is extremely pleased to have collaborated with the Akshaya Patra Foundation in their COVID-19 relief efforts.

AZB & Partners continues to progress on its plan to build an environmentally friendly workplace. Some of the initiatives undertaken are the use of recycled paper for making paper pads & pencils, replacing plastic with glass bottles, use of auto sensor lights to avoid wastage of electricity & auto sensor taps in the washrooms to avoid wastage of water, optimizing the use of natural light by avoiding turning on light bulbs during the day and keeping blinds/shades open, minimal use of printers and creating a green zone at their offices.