PLMJ Supports Girl MOVE Academy During WLG | impact

Published on Jul 20, 2022

PLMJ (Portugal) is supporting Girl MOVE Academy, a grassroots leadership academy that creates innovative models of education to amplify talent, increase gender equality, and promote sustainable transformation through programs that focus on seeing, doing, and receiving mentorship. This program creates real value and has a large impact in Mozambique and beyond through initiatives aimed at responding to the social challenges in a way that is scalable.

This year, Girl MOVE Academy launched a new edition of Changemaker LAB, a social innovation laboratory led by Mozambican women using local talent. This is an intensive 4-month program where Girl MOVERS (licensed young Mozambicans) work in Nampula to test and validate ideas to solve real local economic and social challenges in partnership with the business community.

In 2022, the program focused on renewable energy and mobility, circular economy, peace, agriculture and nutrition, sanitation, health, and digital and financial literacy. PLMJ is committed to the challenge of ensuring peace, justice, and human rights, and supported this project for a 13-week period from April through July.