Santamarina y Steta Work With Ecolana for WLG | impact

Published on Jul 20, 2022

Santamarina y Steta (Mexico) worked hand in hand with Ecolana, a Mexican social organization seeking to make recycling available to everyone. The firm created permanent recycling spaces in its offices and provided training on the correct way to handle and recycle waste, as well as implementing a communication campaign on recycling throughout the year.

In addition, Santamarina y Steta are holding a recycling challenge among its business units from June through August. They are collecting bottle caps to raise money for children with cancer in collaboration with the Asociación Banco de Tapitas A.C and will donate the proceeds from the collection in September.

Finally, the firm organized an internal webinar on sustainability to share information about and raise awareness of climate change, reiterating their commitment to this matter.
