Brazil: TozziniFreire increases its participation in buy-side operations in the 1st quarter of the year

Published on Apr 14, 2024

Brazil remains the largest transactional market in Latin America, and TozziniFreire is one of the firms that has increased its protagonism, mainly in M&A, Private Equity & Venture Capital and Asset Acquisitions.

According to the most recent Transactional Track Record (TTR) report, which provides updated data on relevant transactions in the first quarter of the Brazilian market, TozziniFreire ranks among the Top 10 list of firms that most operate in these practices in the country. The big highlight is the number of buy-side transactions that the firm advised on, which grew 20% when compared to the same period in 2023.

According to João Busin, partner in the M&A, Private Equity and Venture Capital practices at TozziniFreire, the reason for this growth lies in the market recovery and the firm's greater capacity to develop good projects in this segment: “Last year was challenging for the transactional market, but in 2024 we started with very positive prospects, taking into account the expected improvement in macroeconomic conditions.”

Among the most relevant cases, we highlight the agreement signed by GPS to purchase 100% of the food service provider GRSA from the British group Compass; the acquisition, by Nomad, of the intellectual property assets of the company MelhorCâ Ltda; and the acquisition of 60% of Control Construções by TOP Service Serviços e Sistemas S.A., both adding more than BRL 100 million in market value.

About TozziniFreire

TozziniFreire is a leading legal services organization in Latin America, operating in all areas of Business Law and with a relevant track record in serving local and foreign companies from the most diverse industries.

With branch offices in several cities in Brazil (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Porto Alegre, and Campinas), including in New York, TozziniFreire strives to provide a unique standard of service quality and the same facilities to its clients throughout the country. We have played a key role in many of the most significant transactions in the Brazilian market, contributing to the growth of the country's economy in recent decades.

The relevance of our work has been recognized by specialized national and international publications, considering independent research interviews with professionals from the largest companies in the world. TozziniFreire and its partners are constantly referred to as leaders handling notable matters in the most varied business law practices.

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