International Trade Law eBulletin

Published on Jun 18, 2020


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International Trade Law eBulletin
June 2020

Recent legal updates from our members across the globe


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1. Firm Legal Updates

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Firm Legal Updates

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plmj, posted june 2, 2020

Portugal: Protecting a Commercial Trademark – First Steps to Investing in China Safely

If you are thinking about expanding your business to the Chinese market, or you have already started selling in this market, or exhibiting your products at trade fairs or to Chinese partners, it is crucial to protect your trademark from what are known as “intellectual property hijackers”.


Argentina: Relaxation of Requirements for the Application of the Waiting Period for Payment of Export Duties

General Resolution No. 4728/2020, published in the Official Gazette on June 1, 2020 and in force as of June 08, 2020 issued by the Federal Tax Administration makes it easier for Micro–, Small– and Medium–Sized Businesses, to pay export duties by allowing for the use of a guarantee.


Argentina: Suspension of Terms Related to Import and Export Suspensive Destinations

General Resolution No. 4726/2020, published in the Official Gazette on 05.29.2020 and in force as of thereon sets forth, during the suspension of administrative terms stated by Decree No. 298/2020 and amendments thereon.

cms russia, posted may 12, 2020

Russia: Information on Contractual Restrictions Can Now Be published on

On April 1, 2020, amendments came into force allowing Russian legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to enter additional information about themselves on the Fedresurs website, as well as information relating to individual terms of contracts they enter into.

CMS REICH-ROHRWIG HAINZ, posted may 12, 2020

Austria: European Commission Issues Action Plan for Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

On May 7, 2020, the European Commission (EC) issued an Action Plan for a comprehensive EU-wide policy on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing as part of a wide-ranging AML-CFT policy tailored to meet the issues and specific risks that the EU currently faces and any new threats that the EU could confront in the future.

minterellison, posted april 22, 2020

Australia: Global Collapse of Shareholder Activist Activity?

COVID-19 has dramatically reduced levels of activist activity globally according to Lazard's latest quarterly report.


video recording, posted april 22, 2020

US-Mexico-Canada Agreement: Update, Key Priorities, and Implementation in a Post-Pandemic World


WLG's International Trade Law Group hosted a webinar "US-Mexico-Canada Agreement: Update, Key Priorities, and Implementation in a Post-Pandemic World." 

video recording, posted may 19, 2020

What IP Practitioners Need to Know About Current Free Trade Agreements

The International Trade Law and IP & IT Practice Groups held a joint webinar during WLG's first-ever eConference on What IP Practitioners Need to Know About Current Free Trade Agreements including the USMCA, CETA and MERCOSUR.

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Group Leaders

taylor wessing

Michael Brüggemann

Email Michael   Harold Kahlenberg


Vera Kanas

Email Vera   Harold Kahlenberg

faegre drinker

Kathleen Murphy

Email Kathleen    Harold Kahlenberg

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